HazWasteOnline Certification
Training Courses

Our training courses are open to everyone, whether a subscriber to HazWasteOnlineTM or not.

Our two day Hazardous Waste Classification course shows you how to effectively use HazWasteOnlineTM to assess both simple and more difficult wastes streams including contaminated soils, sludges, filter cakes and trommel fines.  The course covers the fundamentals and then moves on to more advanced waste classification techniques and challenges, including understanding laboratory data and classification reports created by others.

For Registered Users, following completion of the course, your classification report will document that your are CERTIFIED. Certification has to be renewed every 3 years.

Hazardous Waste Classification

Day 1

Day 1 explains which wastes are classified as hazardous, provides up-to-date advice on how to comply with the regulations and features practical exercises which use HazWasteOnline™ to assess and record hazardous waste classifications.
It also highlights the current differences between the WM3 and EU technical guidance and the new challenges following BREXIT, in particular the for wastes leaving or entering Northern Ireland.

  • Background and Legislation Is it waste? Why does it need classifying? Relevant legislation and timeline. UK and EU guidance; impact on classifications for wastes in Northern Ireland.
  • Classification Part 1 Is it a Directive Waste? Are there special provisions? Introduction to the EWC.
  • Workshop 1: Classifying waste using the EWC : 14 examples, some easy, some not so straightforward.
  • Classification Part 2 Is the composition of waste known or can it be determined? REACH compliant Safety Data Sheets and CAS registry numbers. Discussion of conversion from anions/cations to compounds and the use of moisture content. Does the waste contain hazardous substances: Hazard Statement codes and the old Risk Phrases, Annex VI and other sources of information.
  • Classification Part 3 Does the waste possess any of the 15 Hazardous Properties or POPs? Comparison against thresholds. Additive & Absolute. Examples.
  • Workshop 2: Determination of Hazardous Properties. Examples done by hand, calculator or spreadsheet.
  • Introduction to HazWasteOnline™ Now we’ve done it the hard way (by hand), we’ll appreciate a tool that will do it for us.
  • Workshop 3: Introduction to HazWasteOnline™ A couple of straightforward examples.
  • Wastes Containing Oils Current guidance (WM3 v EU), types of oil, incomplete entries, difficulties and solutions, “TPH” and the HWOL™ Acronym System.
  • Assessment of Ecotoxicity A more complex subject.
  • It’s Hazardous – What now ? Options to re-run HazWasteOnline™, metal speciation, moisture correction, laboratory test refinements.
  • Workshop 4: Using HazWasteOnline™ – part 2. More complex examples including oils, ecotoxicity; creating new waste stream templates, cut-n-paste from spreadsheets and analysing multiples samples; introduction to .hwol™ data files, hwol™ labs
  • Workshop 5: Using HazWasteOnline™ – part 3. Importing .hwol™ data files
  • Smart Sampling The implications of the way we sample and the way we get concentrations to put into the assessment.
  • Waste Classification and the Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) Why they aren’t the same.
  • Statistics – introduction to what the software does and how it presents the results.
  • What’s in the pipeline? New functionality, guidance and/or legislation.

Day 2

Day 2 digs deeper in to the substances in hazardous wastes. Some of the key questions this day covers includes:

  • which metal compound is worst case?
  • which is more reasonable for my waste stream?
  • what lines of evidence do I need to justify my metal species
  • What type of “TPH”/unknown oil do I have?
  • Where can I research missing hazard statement codes?
  • Under what scenarios can I ignore a hazard property?

The course includes practical exercises which use internet based databases, Excel, Google and HazWasteOnline™.

  • General background: Atoms, Periodic Table, cations, anions, molecular weight, oxidation states, bonds, anhydrous/hydrates, isomers;
  • Note 1 metals;
  • Better understanding laboratory test suites;
  • Choosing compounds (what to look for/why rule some out etc.);
  • Choosing metal species – expanding on above to looking at properties e.g. solubility;
  • Get more out of the SI / lab data (e.g. chromium III and VI);
  • Composition stoichiometry (or do the cations/anions add up?..);
  • Oils, PAHs & the science behind the analysis (chromatograms);
  • New “TPH” technology – GC-GC;
  • PAH double ratio plots;
  • Forensic analysis of hydrocarbon contaminated wastes;
  • Researching & adding new substances that are not in or are incomplete entries in the CLP/GB MCL list;
  • The utilisation of data sources, including the C&L Inventory database and the IARC Monographs;
  • Hazard Statement codes, categories and classes including relationship between hazard statements and the old risk phrases;
  • Other analysis options? XRD/XRF;
  • POPS
  • Soil chemistry and metals including Mg, Ca, Al, K, Na, Fe;
  • concrete fragments in soil, high pH, acid alkali reserve;
  • Asbestos, liquid units;
  • Assessing waste products and SDS;
  • How/where can WAC data help us?
  • Getting the maximum out of HazWasteOnline™.
  • Statistics – Introduction to using the statistical tools in HazWasteOnline

The above are supported by a number of workshops centred around composition stoichiometry, researching hazard statement codes for incomplete or missing compounds and choosing suitable metal species for a given waste stream based on properties and understanding of the potential uses of that compound.

Refresher Course

This course is for classifiers who have completed the Hazardous Waste Classification course more than 3 years ago and need to keep their certification up to date.


  • On-line, multiple choice quiz covering some of the common mistakes. The quiz has to be completed before the training day.


  • Brief overview of legislative changes and new guidance (e.g. packaging & residues, soil sampling) introduced over the previous three years;
  • Waste classification challenges for Northern Ireland;
  • New literature defining metal speciation methodology and the HWOL™ Acronym System;
  • Review the results of the on-line quiz;
  • Mini workshops where we look at real examples of data from a number of different waste streams;
  • Review of new functionality added to HazWasteOnline including ability to process, assess and report WAC data;
  • .hwol™ file import including averaging data from replicate samples;
  • Managing “TPH” results in blacktop;
  • New “TPH” technology: GC-GC;
  • Example: Zinc – Working from worst case to less worst case;
  • Statistics – Introduction to using the statistical tools in HazWasteOnline
  • What’s in the pipeline? New functionality, guidance and/or legislation.


  • Workshop – multi-part exercise where delegates are given the details of a waste stream and have to work out whether it’s hazardous or not – includes desktop study, selection of EWC code, defining test suite, assessing sampling, import and processing replicate lab data using the .hwol™ file, identification of metal species, identifying the types of the hydrocarbons, data processing.

Next Courses

We have moved all our courses to an on-line format using a combination of Zoom, Moodle (educational software) and HazWasteOnline.

Waste Classification Courses

  • 2nd – 3rd Apr 2025Zoom Meeting, UK/EU
  • 4th – 5th Jun 2025Zoom Meeting, UK/EU
  • 6th – 7th Aug 2025Zoom Meeting, UK/EU

Refresher Courses

  • 1st Apr 2025Zoom Meeting, UK/EU
  • 3rd Jun 2025Zoom Meeting, UK/EU
  • 5th Aug 2025Zoom Meeting, UK/EU


  • Two day course (Day 1 + Day 2) £850 + VAT
  • Refresher course £475 + VAT

Terms & Conditions

  1. The Refresher course can only be taken if you have previously completed the Hazardous Waste Classification course.
  2. If the Hazardous Waste Classification course cannot be completed on two consecutive days, Day 1 and 2 can be booked separately.
  3. Day 1 has to have been completed before Day 2 can be booked – the exception is when both Days are booked together.
  4. Places on the course are secured by BACS payment, cheque made payable to One Touch Data Ltd, or by purchase order. 
    If by purchase order we will send an invoice, payments must be received before the course commences. In order to ensure that each delegate gains maximum benefit from the course, space is strictly limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
  5. Once invoiced, no refunds will be given although substitute delegates are welcome. All cancellations must be received in writing.
  6. One Touch Data Ltd reserves the right to alter each course, and to cancel courses in the event of insufficient bookings. In the latter case, all delegates will be advised immediately and fees refunded in full.